What You Should Know About Child Immunizations In 2021

What we want parents to know about getting their child vaccinated. 

We know that having to watch your child get immunized isn’t easy. We also know that shots can be scary for children, particularly little ones, which is why our Chicago pediatrician Dr. Maria Staisz and her team work hard to make sure that immunizations are administered as gently as possible to our patients. Of course, while immunizations are certainly not the most fun part of your child’s visits, they are incredibly important for their health and should not be missed or delayed.

Yes, Vaccines are Safe 

This is the most common question we get from families, and rightfully so. They want to make sure that the vaccines their children are getting won’t hurt them. It’s important to know that all vaccines have been fully tested and approved by the FDA. Plus, many of the diseases that vaccines protect against can cause severe health complications including disability and death. The minor risks associated with childhood immunizations far outweigh the burden of disability or life-threatening complications due to these preventable diseases.

Side Effects are Typically Minor

While vaccines may cause some side effects, parents should know that most of the time these side effects are minor. Common side effects include pain, swelling, or soreness around the injection site. Some children may also experience headaches, fatigue, or low-grade fever. It’s rare for a child to develop serious side effects from a vaccine, but it can happen. If your child is having trouble breathing, experiences seizures, or is having an allergic reaction you must call 911 immediately.

Vaccines Protect Your Community 

Did you know that keeping up with childhood immunizations could also protect your Chicago community? By making sure that all children get vaccinated we can prevent the development and spread of infection. So, when your child comes into our office for a vaccine, we aren’t just protecting their health but also the community at large. This includes children and adults who are immunocompromised and those who are unable to get vaccinated.

We hope that this information regarding childhood immunizations provides our Chicago parents and families with the peace of mind they need to understand the importance behind them and how they keep their children safe. If you have questions about childhood vaccines or you need to schedule your child’s next well-child visit, call Pediatric Clinic today at (773) 725-5400.

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