Treating Your Child’s Asthma


When you visit your pediatrician, Dr. Staisz, she will develop an asthma action plan for your child. You should ask all your questions till you understand things fully.

You can also make copies of this action plan and share it with your child’s caregivers such as teachers and babysitters. The action plan tells them how to manage your child during emergencies and how to prevent asthma attacks.

Asthma Medication 

There are two types of medication that your pediatrician, Dr. Staisz might prescribe for your kid’s asthma. They are:

  • Quick-relief medicines
  • Long-term control medicines

Quick-relief medicines handle your child’s asthma symptoms during an attack such as wheezing, coughing, and shortness of breath. These quick-relief drugs are usually inhalers that your child should have on them at all times.

Your pediatrician at Pediatric Clinic Ltd will also prescribe long-term control medicines that help control your child’s asthma in Chicago, IL. Your child will have to take the long-term control medication daily to prevent inflammation of their lungs and air passageways.

To facilitate easy use of their asthma medication, your child might need a nebulizer. The nebulizer transforms the drugs into mist which your child can inhale through a mask.

Eliminate Triggers 

You’ll need to look into your environment for possible asthma triggers. This can reduce the frequency of your child’s asthma attacks. You should:

  • Clean rugs and furniture frequently to remove dust mites
  • Do not smoke in your house or car
  • Use a dehumidifier to keep the air dry
  • Don’t keep furry or feathered pets if your child has a dander allergy
  • Use air filters to keep the air clean
  • Give your child the flu shot to prevent respiratory complications

Your child can live a happy active life with asthma in Chicago, IL, under the care of your pediatrician, Dr. Staisz. Call 773-725-5400 to schedule your consultation at Pediatric Clinic Ltd.

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